Saturday, April 23, 2011


Got a call this morning from Chase Fraud Department...telling me they think one of my credit cards has some charges that may be fraudulent.

Sure enough...after investigation with Chase...and calling the company in California where the charges were taking place...there was someone in Atlanta trying to make 2 charges on my card...worth about $300.

While talking to the California company...they tracked down the 2 charges...and admitted to me that they had the address of the person making the fraudulent charges. I asked if 'they' do something about that...and they said...NO...I will need to do something about that. (Does that make them as guilty as the 'guy' who is trying to steal from me?)

So...I called the local police and a policeman came to the house and got the information. He in turn will give it to a detective...who is supposed to get hold of the Atlanta police...who in turn will call the California company...who hopefully will give them the name of the thief to the Atlanta police...and they will go find them and arrest them.

I'm thankful to Chase for their quick action.
I'm thankful to the police for their attempts to bring justice.
I'm none too pleased with the California company...New Egg.


1 comment:

  1. What's the name of the company? I'm closer than you are. Maybe a personal talkin' to will help!
