Monday, October 19, 2009

Here we go....Post #1

Well... this should and could be interesting. I've decided to join the "BLOG" world. Do I have anything of interest to say? Can I come up with subject matter that might be of help to someone else? I hope so, but time will tell.

My brother Dave has a blog site. Dave is well-read. Dave has traveled the world... well part of it... thanks to Uncle Sam and the United States Navy. Dave has opinions... and he's not afraid to share them. I am not any of the above. For the most part I don't like to read, unless it's of great interest to me. I haven't traveled far because I'm either cheap, broke, or a combination of the two. I have opinions, but I'd consider myself open minded enough to listen to the many sides of an issue and then form my own opinion, that may then change if I hear something else that makes sense.

A few months ago, my wife Cindy & I saw the movie Julie & Julia. A part of that story is about Julie Powell and her effort to cook and document Julia Child's 524 recipes in 365 days. Along the way, Julie found out about blogging... and about herself. I think I may be more like Julie.

This will be a learn-as-I-go on how to use a blog site, how to properly reference, good writing skills and along the way, maybe even learn more about myself.


  1. I am all ears....eyes(?) for your blog and what you discover. I am already inspired by your courage.
    Except I want to know when you will start cooking?
    And I want to know what Dave's blog adress is too.
    Can't wait. love, Trudy

  2. Good for you, Dan! I'm looking forward to this. I think we'll all learn more about "our" story the more we tell it. I've aleady signed up for all issues.
