Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Cindy & I swapped cars today...hers was in need of a 7500 mile checkup at the dealer so I drove it to work today and then stopped there after work. They did their thing and then I came home with it.

The weather was nice outside so I thought I'd wash it for her while I had the time and energy. Grandson Owen came out and wanted to help me. Little did he know...'other' people washing my cars drives me crazy because they 'just don't know how I like it done'. But I let him help me anyway. I gritted my teeth and sighed heavily the whole time.

I'm guessing a few of my readers are either like me about car washing...or know someone just like me.

There's just a certain procedural way to wash a car and I can't seem to get my children...and now my grandchildren to catch on...and it's all I can do to just let them help...and then do it over after they go inside.

Know someone like me? Remind you of anyone? wet the car down, knocking all the dirt off and loosening up the bug guts on the front of the car so they'll come off a little easier. use a car wash soap, make some good bubbles in your bucket, get your rag good and wet and sudsy...and you start on the top of the car then work your way down. You don't do the windows, jump over to the hood, then go the back, then to the passenger door. You're going to miss spots that way. You methodically start at the top and work your way down, covering every part of the car.

Equally, when you rinse off the start at the top. Water 'runs down'! So you start at the top...rinsing the suds down as you go.

Some might call me OCD. Some might call me crazy. Cindy calls me.....well...I can't print what she sometimes calls me.

(She loves me anyway.)


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