Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I was Google-Earthing my old hometown of Owensville again today...when something popped into my head that I haven't thought about in many, many years.

Owensville...is a small farming town in southwest Indiana...with a population of about 1000. There are about 20 streets in the town...10 running east/west...and 10 running north/south...none of which are likely more than a mile long...some only a few blocks in length.

I remember my dad had a scale model...'birds eye'...view of Owensville...that he drew by hand on a large poster-board...showing every street...every business...and every residence in the town. This poster was probably 5 feet x 5 feet in dimensions.

My guess is that it no longer exists...as it would now be over 60 years old. The paper...and the pencil sketching...have probably long-since disintegrated or become illegible. Mother Nature...and Father Time...have likely taken their toll on this prized object.

Dad knew the town of Owensville...like the back of his hand...as the old saying goes. In his early working years...one of dads jobs was to deliver ice. Back in those days...there were few, if any, refrigerators...as we know them today. Instead...people had 'ice boxes' that perishables were kept in. Every few days...dad would deliver a big block of ice to the home that would be placed in the 'ice box'...and it would keep things cool...until it melted and needed replaced.

We...always had a refrigerator at our house (at least that's all I recall)...but it was always referred to as...'the ice box'. 

"Dad...where's the milk?"  "It's in the ice box!"

I'm guessing...since dad was of the age and background to have owned ice boxes...and delivered ice to so many home with ice boxes...that he always referred to the object in the house that kept the food cool...as the ice box...not the refrigerator. Because of dads use of the word...my brothers and sisters and I...grew up using the same language when we talked about 'the refrigerator'. It was called...'the ice box'.

In later years of dads work...when I was little...dad delivered bottled gas to the residences of Owensville. Natural gas was not prevalent in those days...so propane gas was used to heat stoves for cooking and baking...and probably for dryers for those that had them...and maybe other things in the home. And when the bottled gas tank ran out...dad delivered and hooked up a new tank for them.

So...over the years...by either needing ice to keep their food cool...and/or needing gas to cook their food...everyone in Owensville knew dad...and he knew everyone...and where they lived...and was invited into their homes...maybe hundreds of times.

So one day...out of need...or out of a desire to maintain his sanity...dad found some stiff poster board and paper...and slowly...meticulously...over hours and days and maybe weeks...drew every street...every business...every home...and the names of those who lived in those homes...on that poster board. The 'map'.

In 1962, when we moved from Owensville to Vincennes...the map...wasn't an item that could make the trip...and it was left behind...in Owensville.

It was of no value to me...then...at age 8. Now...as I approach 58...it would be invaluable. It would be like owning an expensive art piece that belonged in a museum...a city history document.

I would love to own it. It would be a priceless treasure.


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