Thursday, December 17, 2020

That FIRST Snow

We had our first snow of the year yesterday. It was only a 2-inch snow but it made things pretty...for a short while. Bruno loves the snow….loves to run in it….loves to lay in it….loves to eat it, so his tracks are all over the deck and back yard. Granddaughter Ruby is out of school today and she came over for a few hours and wanted to play in it too. 

Of course her buddy Bruno was right there with her as she covered him with snow, which he loved. She and I threw snowballs and she made a snow angel. She asked if I wanted to make a snow angel too but I told her I was afraid if I laid down...I couldn’t get back up. 

My very first memory of my life involves snow. It is only a 5-second snippet of my life that I can see in my if taken by a video camera in the hands of an unseen third person. I would guess I am 3 years old and my mother has put me and my chubby little cheeks and red hair in a snow suit and is helping me off the back porch to step into the snow. 

That’s it…the movie starts and ends right there…but that is my first recall of my life. So each year when that first snow falls...that memory seems to pop up in my head. 

Sorta ironic that my first memory would include my momma. I had a way-too-short life with her. I'm glad I can recall all of those memories of her and I that I can.

Do you have an early memory? Like...the very first one? Let me know yours. 


If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.

Be talkin' to ya.

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