Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today is my oldest brother's...Durward...78th birthday. A dream birthday wish for me would be to join him at the dinner table...share a nice meal...followed by some cake and ice cream...followed by sitting in the recliners to talk.

We'd likely talk about his 3 children...and his 7 grandchildren. Then he'd ask me how my 3 girls and my 3 grandchildren were doing.

I'd ask him what he's been doing he's he enjoying his retirement years? He'd ask me about my work...what's new on the medical front...maybe a comment about the health care bill.

We might laugh at some memories we shared in our younger years. He might tell me a story about me when I was a little that 'he' remembered...but that I was too young to recall.

He might tell me about his days in the Navy...about his long tour on the USS Rooks...what was going on in Korea in those days...or his time stationed in North Africa...or his years with Gulf Oil Company.

He'd ask me how I'm feeling since my cancer surgery...and how happy he was for me that we found it early.

We would probably talk about dad...and mom...and our sister Joan...who are all gone...but not forgotten.

We would probably talk about our wives...his of 55 years...mine of 36.

He would likely offer some 'sage' advice...words of wisdom that sustained him through the years...words that I might benefit from...words that a loving older brother might share with his baby brother.

But that meal...and those stories...won't happen this year. Durward didn't see his children grow to become the wonderful people they are today. He didn't get to meet...hug...or tease his 7 grandchildren. He didn't get to celebrate 55 years of marriage.

Durward has been gone for nearly 41 years...dying much too young at age 37. I was 16 years old...too young and understand and appreciate the knowledge, experience and love that an older brother can give a younger one.

But I know now.

I remember his face...his smile...that special laugh that only 'he' had. I will think lovingly of my big brother today...and dream of that meal we could share.


1 comment:

  1. Sweet.
    Brady and I are together in Austin and read this sitting at my computer just after Skyping with Tim, Carolyn and Abigail.
    Thanks for helping us remember.
    We love you!
