Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've been a pretty lucky guy. I have worked for the same employer for 35 years.

Within the radiology department...of which I am a part...I have seen lots of faces of fellow employees over the years. Some were here when I got here...lots have come since I joined...some remain...many have left.

Currently, there are about 120 employees in radiology. At the end of the month, one of the other long-term employees will leave and I will move in to the top 5. Only 4 other radiology co-workers have worked for the hospital longer than I have.

Now days, there's not too many opportunities for people to stay with one organization for such a long time...or...people choose to move from employer-to-employer by their own decision.

I suppose, I will someday retire from the hospital...hopefully on 'my' terms ...not theirs! But before that day comes...I'll likely move into the top 3 or 2 or 1 position...before stepping aside for others to start moving up the list.

Until then...I'll be happy to be one of the 'old' faces that people see...and hopefully talk kindly of...some day when I'm gone.

I've been a pretty lucky guy.


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