Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This article about passwords caught my eye. It tells us, in part, that the more complex our passwords...the harder it is for a 'hacker' to figure it out. Duh! Unfortunately...it also makes it harder for me to remember it.

One of my frequent frustrations at work are the amount of passwords that I have. I have 1 password to access the drug delivery system through our pharmacy. I have 1 to log into our basic computer system. Each of our imaging cameras (4) has a password when they need rebooted. Each of our hot lab computers (4) has a password when they need rebooted. I need a password to log into our hospital computer, one to purchase drugs from our radiopharmaceutical supplier, one to charge drugs used at the end of each day, one to send images to our radiology backup system. I'm sure I'm forgetting 1 or 6 others.

Then to really frustrate me, several of them demand that I change my password every 30-90 days. And at least one of these sites will not allow you to use a previous password that you created within the last 6 months.

Not only does it become an adventure to create a 'new' password...it's even more of an adventure to try to remember it...and for which job function it goes with.

Then when I get home...I have a password to access my computer...one to access my bank account...one to access each of my credit cards...well...you get the idea.

I appreciate the importance of them so I can keep things at work safe and secure...to follow HIPPA rules...to maintain patient safety and privacy...and to equally keep my own things private and safe at home as well.

They drive me crazy...but I gotta have 'em. I'm sure glad my house is old enough that I don't have to have a password to open the front door...and I still can use a key to open and start my car.

I suppose that'll be the thing of the future. God help me if I live that long!


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