Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yesterday... a controversial decision was handed down by the Supreme Court. It is not a popular response...but I believe the right response.

A Kansas church...for some years now...have had some of their members appear at military funerals...with placards and shouts of 'God killed your son because of His anger at our nations support of homosexuals'...or something to that effect.

One particular man had sued the church...and it had gone all the way to the Supreme Court...stating that those church members violated his right to bury his son...and mourn the loss of his the way a father should.

Now...not a one among us...(and if you disagree...please feel free to NEVER read my blog again)...would agree with what this 'radical' church sect is doing. Shame on them. I believe that when 'their' judgement day comes...God has a special place...(HELL!)... that they will be sent to.

With that being of the things that makes the freedoms that we have. of those freedoms is our freedom of speech. As wrong...and hurtful...and cruel as the words these church members say...that group has the right to say them.

I believe I saw a comment from Tom Brokaw...the old NBC news anchor...that basically said...that the best thing we could do would be to outnumber those church folks...with our veterans...and those who support our veterans.

So the next time those church members come to protest...they need to be outnumbered by those who 'support' that grieving family. If 10 of 'them' show up to protest...let 100 veterans/supporters show up. If 20 of 'them' show up...have 200 supporters show up.

Ten or twenty people blocking the view...or holding placards of support...or shouting louder than a protester...can overshadow what that '1' person can do.

I agree with Tom on this one.


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