Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The word 'calculator' jumped out of an article at me today. For some thoughts flashed back 50 my brother.

A calculator...of sorts...back then was called a 'slide rule'. I recall Dave having one to do his homework. I don't know if it was a design class...a math class...or a science class...but it was there for his use.

I saw 'his' specific slide rule in years fact...I may still have it tucked away in a storage tub somewhere.

I bet if I showed a slide rule to my kids...they'd have no idea what it was or how to use it. Since it's been many, many years since I've used one, it'd probably take me a few minutes before 'I' could even show them how to use it.

Today...we don't have, or need, slide rules in our 'every day' world. As I remember them, I could multiply or divide and get an estimate of a number...but rarely an exact number. have calculators (the size of credit cards...or they come as a function on our cell phone) that can give us the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide with an answer that can be carried out into multiple decimal points.

The slide more thing from the old days...that's no longer applicable...and is unrecognizable to today's kids.

Another clue that I'm getting older.


1 comment:

  1. I'll be darned. You have that thing? I couldn't use it if my life depended on it, now. But, I recall that I found it intriguing back then.
