Friday, March 18, 2011


Yesterday was a nice day...temperature in the low 60's...which felt really good...after what has been a loooonnng winter.

The grandkids got the bikes out and got their first bike ride in of the early spring. After a number of trips up and down the street to the 'circle'...Mason had an accident...that required Shawn and I to walk down to the scene of the crash.

He scraped up his knee but was otherwise just fine. I told him...from my experience...if you ride a're gonna have a wreck now and then.

Mason's crash took me back to my early days of bike riding in Owensville. I didn't have a small bike to learn to ride on...I had to learn on Jean and Dave's bigger bikes. Because of that...I had a number of crashes.

My most memorable crash was within a few blocks of our house. I rounded a corner quickly and the bike hit some gravel and the wheels slid out from under me. knee helped me to skid to a stop over about 15-20 feet!

My jeans were ripped to shreds...with the good part of the jeans that was remaining...soaking up the blood from my bloody knee.

I recall dad trying to clean it up and put some iodine on it...which I knew would 'burn like hell'. I beleive it was my sister Jean...who told me years later...that dad had to wait until I was asleep to finally clean my wound.

I don't remember that part thank goodness...but I was reminded of that accident by the huge scar on my knee for years and years.

I'm looking forward to spring...and will likely have to help the grandkids through several bike accidents. Hopefully we'll have nothing more than minor scraped knees.


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