Friday, November 27, 2009


A recent report says a father locked his kids in the trunk of his car while he did some quick shopping.

In a separate story I saw on the TV news within the last week, an Indianapolis news station reported about a father who stopped his semi at a strip club and went inside. The problem was he left his child (supposedly asleep) in the vehicle while he went inside.

Reportedly, after being inside the establishiment for 45 minutes, he walked outside, apparently forgetting where he parked his truck. He called 911 to report someone had stolen his truck with his child inside it. The police arrived and found the truck...where he had left it, still with the keys in the ignition. Fortunately, and luckily, the child was in the back of the truck watching a movie.

The child’s mother picked up the child...the truck was towed away...the father was taken to jail.

Maybe he, and the other idiot, should stay there awhile.


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