Monday, November 30, 2009


Looks like it will be 2016, (at best), before the Republicans get a chance to get ‘one of theirs’ back in office. That is…if they follow the advice of John Meacham in his recent Newsweek article.

In the article, Meacham suggests that Dick Cheney should run for president in 2012.

If this becomes true, my comment is…“Welcome back Mr. Obama.” (I believe the same can be said if the Republicans feel that Sarah Palin is their best candidate for 2012).

I am not a ‘tried and true’ Democrat, nor am I Republican. I’d consider myself one who votes for the person and their ideals, before I would vote for a particular party, just for the sake of voting for ‘a party’.

If the GOP believes these are the two best candidates to run in 2012, woe for the Republican party…and us.

In my opinion, (and I believe many others), Dick Cheney plays by only one set of rules…HIS! It is his type of ‘holier than thou’ attitude that had much of the world believing Americans were the ‘bullies’ of the neighborhood. As Barack Obama assumed office in January of this year, much of the world felt like, finally, Americans were taking the right approach to being ‘the good guys’ again. Now, 11 months later, I’m not sure they still feel that way, but they surely think more of Obama than the Bush/Cheney method of governing.

And Sarah Palin is, and will continue to be, her own worst enemy. If she’ll just keep talkin’, no one else needs to say anything. She’ll shoot her own foot. She does not need to be in Washington, D.C., (and I don’t believe she will be), except to promote her book.

I admit I am not impressed with all that President Obama has done, to this point, in office. I believe his credibility, and ours, has dropped now that the ‘honeymoon’ is over and there are real issues sitting in piles on his Oval Office desk.

Apparently the memoirs of Dick Cheney will come out in the spring of 2011, just prior to the caucuses and primaries. But Dick Cheney is not the answer. I know there are better Republicans out there. For that matter, there are better Democrats than Obama out there. But if the option comes down to Cheney, (or Palin), running against Obama, it’ll be a field day and another 4 years for Barack.

That’s not what the Republicans want…but that’s what they’ll get.


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