Tuesday, December 1, 2009


No…not the shoes. How about the Virginia couple who snuck into President Obama’s White House state dinner? Those 'sneakers'!

As if Obama wasn’t looking bad enough on the issues that are piling up, he gets showed up by a couple of idiots searching for their 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately for all of us, they found it at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Like the parents who tried to convince the authorities their son had been swooped up in a helium filled, UFO-type balloon…only later did we find it was just a ploy to advertise themselves for a reality show. (A few years behind bars would be a ‘real reality’ that I’d suggest they receive). Now we have an equally, self-absorbed, all-important couple of nin-com-poops who want a TV show, or millions for their book rights or, preferably, both.

Those who want to bash the President, now have more fodder to battle with. I suppose some heads will roll within the security and secret service ranks over this latest escapade, but it’ll be Obama as the real loser of the ordeal.

His credibility is already under attack, and now Mutt and Jeff bring their cartoon show…right to the White House.

The sooner I forget their names…the better.


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