Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My doctor wants me to drink more water. After reading today's article in the Times, I might have to reconsider.

Last year, I had slowly gotten to the point that I was drinking a six-pack of diet Coke a day. Then, one day I suffered from a kidney stone...and it got my attention! I was later told by the urologist that I should drink more water. I have since cut my diet Coke intake to one a day and began drinking more water.

My brother, Dave, has a real problem with bottled water. I think he believes we're being 'horn-swaggled' into believing we're drinking safe, clean, healthy water from those bottles. Who's to say the real quality of the water being put in those bottles? I'm reminded of a cartoon I saw once, showing a couple of guys using a garden hose running from a faucet at the back of a house, to fill a crate of water bottles.

I don't want to believe it, but I'm cynical enough to believe that my brother may have something. That water might just be 'regular water' packaged in a fancy plastic bottle. And the millions of plastic bottles going into our land fills is another matter.

But this headline doesn't make me feel very good about drinking 'any' water.

I'm reconsidering going back to my diet Coke and taking my chances!



  1. Actually, Dan's worry about clean water has a lot to do with this: http://daveclarkonamerica.blogspot.com/2009/09/your-no-government-tea-party-and-your.html

    I wonder how well Lafayette's Water Management does keeping Dan's water clean?

  2. I'm way more concerned about the BPA present in plastic water bottles. We've cut way back on the bottled water we drink. I'm a drinking water fanatic -- getting mine through a filter system.
    Had the kidney stone party two years ago and NEVER want to go there again!

  3. I actually did fill up one of those big water bottles with a garden hose one time...nobody noticed. : )
