Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The New York Times says the top priority in 2010 needs to be finding jobs for those out of work.

I agree!

Few things will inspire confidence and self-respect in people, than for those who are willing to be able to find it.

Other things are important...but this is MOST important.

This is true in my own family. My daughter has been looking for meaningful work for years. Admittedly, she has been her own worst enemy because of choices she has made over those years. But she's gotten a little wiser. She's trying to now find work to make her life better...there's simply very little meaningful work out there. She MUST put forth the effort to make herself more attractive to employers, but there also needs to be something attractive out there to encourage her to make that effort.

My son-in-law, too, is in need of the job market to come back. A tradesman, he depends on a functioning economy for his trade to be working. When it's not working...neither is he. He needs to work...he wants to work...there's just none there.

The NYT article says that one problem on the horizon in 2010 will be the coming of midterm election politics. Our leaders will need to put less emphasis on this...and more on job creation. I believe their wish to get, or stay, in office will be determined on how they meet the needs for jobs.

But the rhetoric needs to stop...the finger pointing needs to stop...and action needs to start.

Our politicians must be held accountable for doing so. Millions across the land are going to see to it. President Obama, and others in office, were put there by an eager group of Americans, ready for a change. I believe that same group will be equally eager to vote them out of office if they don't uphold their end of the bargain.

If they will 'do their jobs', we'll let them 'keep their job'. And right now...'their job' needs to be creating new ones for our family, friends and neighbors.


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