Friday, April 23, 2010


I've talked about my yard before. We live in an older neighborhood, where the lots are bigger in size when compared to the newer homes being built today.

Today's homes are 2 story so you can have 'lots' of house and little yard that you have to take care of. Our home is a ranch on a large lot...that you 'do' have to take care of. Sometimes I like getting outside to take care of get my mind off other things and enjoy just being outside.

One thing I'm not good at taking care killing off the dandelions in our yard. I put on weed 'n' feed...but it seems to do a lot more 'feeding' and a lot less 'weeding'.

Right now...there's a LOT of those little white puff balls out in my yard, that were last weeks yellow flowers. Next week...I guess all those little seeds in the puff balls will be spread all over my yard...and my neighborhood...spreading their evil little seed even more.

Cindy & I just came back from a drive to the store and saw a house with more 'little puff balls' than I've ever seen in a yard before. It was a 'sea' of them.

I'm sure their neighbors are quite pleased. Hopefully...that won't be my yard in a few years!


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