Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My job is such that I have to get up early each morning...earlier than Cindy and Mason. I do my best to not rattle around too much so that I don't wake them up. I also don't turn on many lights so most of the time...I'm dressing in the dark.

There's been years past that I've gotten to work with a blue sock on one foot and black one on the other. You the dark...they look the same color.

Today...I did it again. This time though...a different piece of clothing. To try to be somewhat PC (politically correct)...I'm a 'boxer' wearer. As you 'may' know...boxers have the....opening in the front for....times when you need there to be an opening in the front.

Well...when I went to the rest room while at work today....I needed for there to be an opening in the front. I searched for it...and searched for it...but couldn't find it. So I grabbed the waistband and pulled it out to where I could see it and...sure enough...there was the 'tag'. Meaning...of course...the boxers were on backwards.

Dressing in the dark...can sometimes be hazardous.


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