Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I see in the attached story that the YMCA is 'officially' changing its name to 'the Y'. Makes's always been 'the Y' me.

'The Y' was a great place to me in my younger years. My buddy, Scott, and I spent a lot of time at 'the Y'. The 'old' Y was at 4th and Broadway in Vincennes. Scott lived at 8th & Broadway so it was an easy bike ride...and even walk...from his house to the Y.

I took swim lessons at the Y...played basketball games at the Y...played football through the Y...played pool at the Y...and played hours upon hours upon hours of ping-pong at the Y.

For the price of a dime Scott and I could rent 2 paddles, a ball, and a table...and spend all day playing ping-pong. When we were done...we handed in the paddles and ball...and got our dime back. Cheap entertainment...kept us off the streets and out of trouble.

I think dad payed $8...and my membership was good for a year. I could walk in anything they had to offer...and not spend another dime...or if I did...I got my dime back.

'The Y'.....was a good investment for dad...and a great place for me.


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