Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I heard a commercial on the radio as I was coming home from work...that ruffled my feathers. It was so sinister, so galling...yet advertised as if 'they' were doing us a favor.

I didn't catch the name of the institution...but I'm sure there are some (many) in your neighborhood it doesn't matter.

The advertiser was reminding us that it's 'post Christmas'...and soon will come those dreaded credit card bills...with all those charges that we put on the cards to buy those gifts we wanted to buy.

He went on to say how 'low' mortgage interest is..."some rates as low as 3.85%"...or whatever he advertised.

Then the galling part was..."why don't you refinance those credit card bills and your mortgage at this new 3.85%"?

Sure...lets put that $1000 or $2000 or whatever we put on those credit cards...and add it to our 30 year mortgage plan. We won't have to pay those credit cards off when the bills come, the mortgage company will pay them. Yes...and then you'll pay that $1000 or $2000 or whatever...over the next 30 years...and end up paying $10,000 to pay that $1000 credit card.

Unfortunately...there are way to many gullible people out there...who will fall for that line of crap (not knowing about the last part...the total amount to be paid back)...and will sign up.

There's a whole big list of people who are on my 'need to be taken out and shot' list...and these type institutions certainly deserve to be put on it. Damn them.


1 comment:

  1. You're right. The best course is not to use the card unless you can pay it off before that "finance charge" starts, i.e., under 30 days. The card is stacked against us.
