Saturday, May 1, 2010


The city of Indianapolis has had an interesting history for me.

Through the teen years of life, the thought of going to Indianapolis was frightening. Having lived in Owensville, (population 1000)...and Vincennes, (population 18,000)...the thought of going to a city of 'hundreds of thousands' was too overwhelming.

I was thinking on the negative aspect...and not the positive. I was thinking of getting lost in a place I knew nothing about...instead of the adventure of a place with so much excitement, things to do and places to go.

As Cindy & I moved to Lafayette (population 60,000) the gradual change to bigger and bigger cities became less frightening. Eventually, Cindy was the instigator for me getting to Indianapolis. It has, over the years with her, become a fun place to visit and one of my favorite cities. Over those same years, Indianapolis has progressed greatly. A revitalized downtown has brought excitement to the area. A new zoo (we still remember going to the old one), a new baseball stadium (we visited the old one too), a new football stadium (been in the old one too), new basketball arena (been to the old one too), new mall, museums, IMAX theater, great restaurants, and on and on.

The center...literally...of downtown Indianapolis is the Soldiers and Sailor's Monument. Around it is a circle drive with 'spokes' (streets if you will) leading out to the rest of the city. During the Christmas season, it is a pretty drive to see the decorations in the circle.

Indy leaders want to consider turning that central region into a pedestrian remove the vehicle traffic around the 'circle'. Later this summer, they will try a one month trial with no vehicles allowed. As with anything new...there will be complainers...and there will be those that think it is a great change.

I will be great. I won't even mind going there to see it in person.

Mom and dad's little boy has grown up!


1 comment:

  1. Yes he has. In fact, he's one of the best men I know in the entire world.
