Sunday, September 5, 2010


I went for a bike ride first in a long time...and it brought back some memories of my younger years and the thousands of miles I put on my bike.

While trying to be observant of the traffic and pedestrians around me, I recalled some general rules of biker courtesy that I learned all those years ago...that I don't think have been handed down to the kids and young adults of today.

I was taught several rules of bike riding. The main one...was that pedestrians are to be respected. When riding down the sidewalk...if I came upon some pedestrians walking toward me...'I' was the one who was to pull over into the grass and slow down or stop until they were past. THEY had the right to the sidewalk...not me and my bike. This rule does not seem to apply today. I couldn't count how many times that Cindy & I had to walk in the grass or risk getting run over by the kid on the bike.

I was taught to ride against traffic while riding in the I could see the drivers coming at me and have an opportunity to react to what they 'might' do, rather than having the traffic behind me without knowledge of if they might hit me from behind. Today, almost every biker I see rides 'with' the traffic and 'in' the lane of the if they'll 'be damned' if they'll pull over and let me by. They almost challenge you to hit them...apparently so they can contact their lawyer.

I was taught that stop signs applied to me as well. Today...that's not necessarily the case.

I get a little testy when I see bikers not using common sense and common courtesy.

You bikers out there...try using some of each. If you did...maybe you wouldn't have to wear those stupid looking little helmets. They might not be needed.

And don't get me started on the 'moped' riders. Geez! That's a whole 'nuther blog!!


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