Thursday, September 23, 2010


While at lunch today, I noticed my co-workers sandwich had 'soggy' bread. The meat that had been put on it was wet...and thus the bread got wet.

I hate 'soggy' bread. So our brief lunch discussion was about me...hating 'soggy' bread. I also said I am NOT someone who crumbles up crackers and puts them in my soup. I also HATE...'soggy' crackers. If crackers and bread were meant to be wet and would be able to buy them that way.

My mind then flashed back to my dad, who would pour a small bowl of milk, then get a couple slices of bread, tear the bread in pieces and drop them in the milk. (Now THAT ain't right!)

When asked why my dad did that...(it even sounded disgusting to her)...I said dad was from the Depression era, and probably had to do with the fact that you ate...whatever you could get your hands on...and you'd like it...or go hungry.

I recall so, so many eating oddities of dads...but I'll tell you...he was ALWAYS a member of the 'clean plate' club...because he NEVER didn't eat what was on his plate.

I'll tell ya...things would have to be pretty tough for me to choke down some soggy bread or crackers. I guess I've been fortunate enough to never be in that position.


1 comment:

  1. Milk and bread? I remember milk and crackers, soggy crackers. In fact, I like milk and crackers, soggy, saltine crackers in milk. Good stuff!
