Monday, September 27, 2010


Well this will certainly show my and my readers age. Those my age and older will know what I mean. Those younger than me, will likely not have a clue...or even be capable of imagining...what I'm talking about.

This article...the heading...not the story itself...caught my eye...and took me way back to my younger years.

In the 'old days'...pop (coke, pepsi, nehi, royal name 'em) came in bottles. It was years later that I remember pop coming in cans. The lids to those bottles of pop, had to be taken off with a bottle opener. And underneath that lid, was a thin layer of 'cork' that was glued to that underneath side. The purpose of the cork, was that it allowed a good seal between the 'tin' of the bottle cap, and the 'glass' that the cap was pressed onto...thus sealing in the 'fizz' into the bottle.

In our younger I've stated before, we sometimes had to 'invent' games and cool things to do that would be fun. of the things we did was to slowly, and that you didn't tear the gently pealed the cork from the underneath side of that pop bottle cap. If successful, in one hand you had the cap...and the other, the cork.

We then put the cap on the outside of our shirt and placed the cork on the inside of our shirt and pushed the 2 together, as if you were now trying to put the cork 'back into' the bottle cap...just with your shirt positioned in between.

If now had a new pin to wear on your shirt...a pop bottle cap pin.

Anyone remember?

Now the younger folks are scratching their head with thoughts of 'what?' and 'so then what'd you do?'

Hey...we were inventive. You would be shocked at the things we found to do to have fun. Sure beat bein' couped up inside playing games on a computer or TV screen.


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