Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Last night, Cindy & I met up with some friends in Indy to attend a concert featuring Crosby, Stills & Nash on The Lawn at White River Park. This was our first time at that venue and we can't wait to go back.

Indy has another outdoor theater that seats about 25,000 called Verizon Wireless Music Center. It is actually north of Indy in the 'boonies' outside a town called Noblesville. We have been there a number of times, but I'm not sure we want to go back anytime soon. Parking is a real challenge (to get out of when the concert is over) and it's not the easiest place to get to, to begin with.

The Lawn, is in downtown Indy, an easy drive on the interstate, parking was simple, there are 'other' things to do downtown if you want to get there early, the Lawn provides 'beach chairs' to sit on, it is a much smaller and friendlier venue...maybe 5000 attendance...and overall a terrific environment.

CSN came onstage at 730pm, opening with the song Woodstock. They did about an hour long set...took a 15 minute break and came back and played until 1015pm.

They were funny, entertaining and showed they were still very good musicians. In fact, I didn't realize Steven Stills was the guitar virtuoso that he displayed last night.

During their second set, they did a number of 'cover' songs from other artists...the Beatles...the Who...the Rolling Stones, to name a few. They said that the record studio asked them "what songs do you like...that you didn't record?" So they thought about it...and have been adding a few to their set. They are apparently going to record an album of "other artists songs that CSN likes". They did a very good job and it will be interesting to see if they really do record such an album.

There was a broad spectrum of ages in the audience last night enjoying their music. If you have the opportunity to go hear them sometime, do yourself a favor and go.


1 comment:

  1. White River Park is a wonderful venue! Glad you two had fun!
