Saturday, November 20, 2010


Today is the day my granddad was born. I'm a papaw to my dad was papaw to his grandchildren...but my grandfather was 'granddad'.

Granddad was born 129 years ago...and amazingly...I still remember him. Many of my readers might think...and say...geez you must be old. You remember someone that would be 129 years old!!

As most of my readers know...I was born late in my parents life as parents. Granddad was 73 years old when I was by the time I was old enough to know he was my granddad...he was pushing 80. Luckily for me...granddad lived into his 90s so I had a long time to grow up and remember him.

Even with that...I never really got close to granddad. He just wasn't a guy that kids got close to. But when I'm 80 and going into my 90s...maybe the kids won't wanna get close to me either.

I hope not. I want my g-kids and g-g-kids and g-g-g-kids to remember me as somebody they liked being around and was a cool 'old' guy.



  1. I hope you can do that and live that long. Oh, by the way, you remember Granddad, but do you remember his rooster? That was so funny. I still laugh about it.

  2. Oh, Dan, what's the rooster story? LOL I knew my grandpas but never had the joy of knowing either of my grandmas. Gee, over the years, I've thought of them a bazillion times and wished I could talk with them!
