Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ever been deep water...and got into trouble? And for a few brief seconds...that may have seemed like thought that you might drown?

I have. It's a frightening feeling. I'll bet if a poll were taken...a vast majority of people would state two ways that they DO NOT want to die...burning to death in a fire...and drowning in water.

Sorry about the morbid thoughts...but I read the headlines today about George Bush's which he authorized 'waterboarding' on some men while he was in office. And he still feels he was right in doing so. I understand basically simulated drowning of a person...and then stopping at the last second...saving them so they don't drown. And then maybe repeating the steps. And then maybe again.

The idea...again as I understand that a person who is 'tortured' in this way...will 'break' and tell the torturers 'anything they want to hear'. Otherwise...the next time...maybe they won't stop the 'drowning' at the last second. And we've already decided this is 'one' way we don't want to die.

If I were to be waterboarded...I'd tell you anything you want to hear. Did I kick your grandmother in the knee? Damn right I did...if you won't drown me. Did I steal a box of pens from my workplace? Damn right I did...if you won't drown me.

Anyway you look at my opinion...this is torture of the highest degree. I can't find it in my say it is the proper thing to do...even if the guy is a 'bad guy'.

Well...let me restate that. If somebody waterboaded one of my loved ones...and I knew who did it...I might find it in my soul to return a little 'eye-for-an-eye'.

And maybe that's the way those whom we waterboard...and their loved ones...and those of similar beliefs...feel about us. Maybe that's why they don't like us. No...HATE US!

George Bush is wrong. And if Barack Obama agreed with it...I'd say he is wrong too. And if in 2012 there is a new president...and that person says it would be okay...I'd say they were wrong too.


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