Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There is no winner. I'm talking about the hot subject in the news lately...do I get x-rayed at the airport security...or do I let them grope me?

This is not an easy subject to find a side to stand firm on. The world as it is today...has created a monster...and we all become the loser to the monster.

With some of the radical lunatics out there who want to cause harm...we have to find ways to protect ourselves.

One way is the x-ray machine. But it doesn't come without cost. Our bodies are getting a small amount of radiation...that we don't want. Our images are being seen...and stored (I don't believe them when they say they aren't or can't be saved...and looked at by others).

If we don't want the x-ray...it's no longer just having a 'wand' waved over you to check for metal...because the lunatics have found ways to make bombs without metal. So the option now is a 'hands on' pat down...that includes the breast areas and groin.

Now...as in most professions...most people who do their job...are good at it...and professional. But as with every job...there are a few who take liberty with their liberties...and you can't tell me there aren't a few guys who take advantage of 'feeling up' a few of the pretty girls...because they can.

I have a family relative whom it happened to...so you can't tell me it doesn't happen. Her choice was...let it happen...or take the risk of them not letting you on the plane.

I am glad I am not flying this Thursday. It sounds like there is a ground swell of people who intend to raise a fuss...at not getting x-rayed...and not getting groped. Their complaints...are simply going to tie up the system...making it longer for everyone to get on the plane...and risk not getting on it at all.

On the other hand...we simply can't allow everyone to get on the plane without some kind of check system to make sure we will be safe on that plane.

Both sides are a little wrong...both are a little right.

Until we can find a way that we all win...a little more than what we feel we're losing...it will be ugly.


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