Monday, June 6, 2011


The headline says that the 1st drive in theater...opened 78 years ago today. According to an AARP article ...the number of drive-ins has dropped from 4000... to less than 400.

I remember the drive in...Sunset I remember it called...on the outskirts of Evansville...that you could see the movie screen from Hwy 41 as you drove by. There was also one outside Princeton...the Starlite I recall...also on Hwy 41...but you couldn't see the screen from the road. I remember going to both of them as a youngster.

There were several drive-ins near Vincennes that we went to during high fact Cindy and I saw several movies there during our dating years.

There was a drive-in in Lafayette when we moved here in the late 70's that we went to lots of times. It was cheap entertainment...with a special feel that brought back good feelings from younger years.

All the above drive-ins...are among the 3600 drive-ins that are no longer in existence.

There's still a drive-in in Monticello...a small community about 35 minutes to our north. We took the kids there a number of times when they were small...and it's still there...and now our kids...are taking their kids there.

It's quite a fun time at the interesting experience that I recall from my younger years...and I'm  glad there's some still around that my grandchildren can experience.

It's one of the few things left that I can tell the grandkids about...without them thinking that papaw is crazy...and talking about something from 100 years ago when papaw was a little boy!


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