Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today starts a new chapter in Cindy & my life...and in Masons. Mason has lived with Cindy & me for 8 years. We have watched him potty train...crawl-to-walk-to-run...we have watched him walk down the street to the ride a bike down to the circle...walked him to school that first day...through Kindergarten...1st grade...2nd grade...and 3rd grade. We have watched him learn to talk...learn to read...learn to do math...learn his manners.

But today...we put him on a jet to Florida with his mom start a new life there. He is so excited about his new life...which made it easier for us to let him go. If that's what he wants...then that's what we want. If he is happy and safe...then we can accept it.

A new chapter has begun for Mason.

A new chapter has started for Cindy & me.


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