Friday, June 3, 2011


Thumbing through a few headlines today brought several thoughts to mind. Here's my take on them.

Can the DOW hit 20,000?
A phrase my dad said frequently related to...'taking 1 step forward...and 2 steps back'. That seems to be the shape of our economy these last many months. Something good seems to happen...and then a bad thing or two happens...and we lose the momentum from the good thing. Today's headline read 'Can the DOW hit 20,000? Right now it's at 12,000...and falling. My concern is more in line with ...'can we keep the DOW from falling to 10,000?' Until our leaders in Congress quit pointing fingers of blame at the other guy and tell us what 'he is doing wrong'...and instead takes a personal interest into what 'they' are going to do to help matters get's going to continue to be a long road...of 1 step forward...and 2 steps back.

Appearance fees
In a time when the millions...could use a helping hand...and a  break...and who 'want' to work to earn their way...I read about Hollywood 'stars' (a questionable title)...who charge $75,000 (some even more)...for appearance fees. They apparently feel they are so valuable to mankind...that people should have to pay to see have the privilege to shake their hand...or have their picture taken with them. I'm not sure how they sleep at night. I do believe in Karma. I trust that 'it'...will someday settle this issue with those people who feel they are among the high and mighty.

Today is National Doughnut Day. M-M-M. Who doesn't like a doughnut...or 3...every now and then? I'm always reminded...when in deep thought about doughnuts...about my wife, Cindy...and her story when she was a young girl...and her friend Carol...whose dad owned Walt's Doughnut Shop in Vincennes. Cindy said that...on more than one occasion...she and Carol would slip into the doughnut shop (after hours)...grab a doughnut and head to the 'filling' machine...where they would slip their doughnut over the spigot...and fill the doughnut with so much jelly...that it'd take the shape of a baseball. Now that doesn't sound appealing to  me as I'm not much on doughnuts with filling...but I get a big smile on my I imagine Cindy filling that doughnut so full that it nearly explodes. Happy National Doughnut Day to all.


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