Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Yesterday...I wrote about 'Joe' and his interpretation of the signing of the healthcare bill. Shortly after I submitted the story...I felt vindicated...unfortunately...for how I perceive 'Joe'.

I try to not watch too much TV news and I was reminded why, yesterday. I was passing by the TV (no one was watching was just on) as I was on the way to the deck to grill something and I heard...maybe...the first 2 minutes of the news before I had to walk away from the negativity and go outside.

Of course the lead story was the passing and signing of the healthcare bill. Here were the first 4 comments that I heard on TV. 1) Limbaugh saying..."we have to run these bastards out of office" (implying the Democrats who voted 'for' the bill); 2) Palin having a list of 12 Congressmen she put on the top of her 'defeat list'; 3) over $1 million dollars had been donated to the 'defeat Nancy Palosi fund'; and 4) a dozen AGs (State Attorneys General) who were going to sue for the illegality of the bill.

In 2 minutes...that was the news being reported. No wonder 'Joe' is confused. He wants to believe something 'good' has been done, but he is overwhelmed by negativity.

I repeat...the President and the Democrats better get out there and convince 'Joe' that the right thing was done yesterday.

Without a doubt...the November elections are going to be ugly. The Republican stance will be 'we DIDN'T vote for the bill'. The Democrat stance will be 'we DID vote for the bill'.

'Joe' will either follow the Republican response and vote them in to replace the Democrats who support the bill...or...with the lead of the President...see that the negativity and divisiveness of the Republicans is only making matters worse...will vote even more Democrats into office to do even better things. The Republicans are rolling the dice and going 'all in' here.

Each party has much to lose. And so do we!


1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, there is no convincing Joe if he's listening to Limbaugh, Palin, etal. It's not Obama's responsibility to teach him what his government is doing, although he's doing a good job of telling the country what he's doing. Joe's not listening to that, however. It's Joe's responsibility to keep himself educated. Another unfortunate thing is that Democrat Congress people are getting death threats. Joe is getting mean, and apparently deliberatly keeping himself ignorant.
