Sunday, March 7, 2010


As this article asks, 'are you writing down what your kids say?', I remember two that we wrote down.

Our daughter Jaime was the first. One day while Cindy, Jaime and I were driving by the nearby McDonald's restaurant, one of us made a comment about the American flag they were flying. The wind had whipped at the flag so much that the ends of the flag were tattered and 'frayed'. Jaime picked up on the comment and asked, "why is the flag 'scared'?" (she thought we were saying 'afraid').

The second comment came from Joni. One day while passing by her and Julie's bedroom while they were playing, an ambulance passed by the house with its' siren blaring. Joni ran to the window to see, then looked at me with big eyes and said, "I was going to say Holy Shit...but I know that's a bad word." The equally wide eyed look she gave as she realized she 'just said' what she wasn't supposed to say...was great.

I'm sure there's lots more...but those 2 are ones I've never forgotten.


1 comment:

  1. one of my favorites....
    I had kept Stephen (at 3 yrs) out grocery shopping and errand running way past nap time. He was getting fussy and really tired. I said, "Sweetie, I need you to hang in there and be charming for a few more minutes." His reply, "Mom, I out of charm." was classic.
