Monday, March 15, 2010


One of the policies in our hospital is to NOT wear strong perfume or cologne. Some of our patients feel bad already and don't need to be 'overpowered' by STRONG odors.

Unfortunately, it's a policy not followed very well. There seems to be several people that I run into 'too frequently' who choose to not bathe daily. Their answer, to their body odor, is to put on MORE perfume to cover it. If the perfume's aroma could be 'seen'...I'm certain you could see the 'cloud' around them as they walk down the hall, like Pigpen in the Charlie Brown comic strip.

Then there are those who choose to smoke cigarettes. They often make 2 mistakes. One...they 'reek' of the smell of smoke when they come back inside. Two...some try to 'hide' the odor of smoke by spraying on an overpowering cologne thinking it will hide the smell of the smoke. I'm not sure which one is worse.

Sounds like the city of Detroit has their own attempt to solve the problem...based on a lawsuit that someone won there.

There's good stink...there's bad stink. Either stinks.


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