Sunday, January 3, 2010


I can see a movie multiple times. Why? Because a week after watching it, I've forgotten much of it. Same with a book. I can read next month, what I read last month because I've forgotten what I read.

I walk from one end of the house with a purpose in mind, but when I get there...I forget what I was after. Sometimes, I have to walk all the way back to where I started, to see what I was doing there and hope I can recall what I needed to begin with.

Sound familiar? Been there...done that? Did it again?

Ever had an elder family member that smoked cigarettes? Ever see them light one while there was one still lit sitting in the nearby ashtray?

Remember when you and your siblings would go to grandma & grandpa's, and they had to go through 'roll call' before they got 'your' name right?

This article says we haven't LOST that information, it's just hidden in there somewhere. A perfect example is that time you just cannot remember a name of someone...but later, when you're not thinking about it, it miraculously pops into your head.

By challenging ourselves with new things, differing opinions, stepping out of our comfort zones...we help our brains function.

Do something different. Meet some new friends with an opposing view to yours. Read a book that might challenge you. You don't have to agree with just might help your brain to recall things you've known...and forgotten.


1 comment:

  1. I love what Bill Cosby go in a room and can't remember what you were supposed to get or sit down to try and remember and as soon as your behind hits the seat you do remember! Your brain has relocated to your butt.
    : )
