Saturday, January 16, 2010


An interesting article in AARP...(yes, I read AARP)...about a corrupt company that's been caught. How many other corrupt companies/people are out there? Too many to name.

This specific company taped a phone conversation with a man...edited it, spliced it and replayed it to their advantage. How many times did they do this? Enough that they were shut down and their top executives face imprisonment and hefty fines.

The bottom lines of the article? Don't speak to telemarketers...simply hang up. Open all your mail...even the ones that appear to be junk mail.

As nice as we want to try to be...we sometimes need to be straitforward (insert bitch or bastard here). As much as we want to believe people won't try to cheat us...there are people out there who will try to cheat us.

The lesson?

1) Don't mistrust everyone...because there are good people out there.
2) Don't trust everyone...because there aren't enough good people out there.


1 comment:

  1. I would prescribe more than imprisonment and fines for these dudes.
