Tuesday, February 23, 2010


As a young boy, I purchased lots of comic books and baseball cards on a pretty regular basis.

'Archie'...with Betty, Veronica and Jughead was a regular comic book that I bought when each new copy came out. 'Thor' and 'Green Hornet' were a couple of my more common 'superhero' comic books. I had quite a collection of all of them at one time.

I had a big stack of baseball cards too...some of old veteran players as well as 'rookies'.

They've all been 'long gone'. Given to someone else...donated somewhere...or just thrown away.

Just for the heck of it...I wonder if any of them would have any value today?

Recently...the first issue of Superman comic just sold for $1million !!

I'm sure I had nothing of that value...but even a few hundred bucks woulda been nice.

Oh well.


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