Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yesterday school was about to get out...I drove down to pick up the three grandkids. When the bell rang...they all eventually popped through the school doors and headed my way. We walked to the car as we discussed how the school day had been. The three jumped in the back seat and buckled in as we talked more. We made the short drive to the house...and began to climb out and head in the house for a drink and a snack and begin working on our homework.

As usual...I hear the doors of the car slam...the shuffling of book bags and the three try to be the first one in the house. This time ears perk up quickly as I hear a high pitch wail...that tells me...this isn't the usual shuffle and pushing and shoving and...this time...someone got hurt...bad.

I look through the window to the back passenger seat and see the door closed...and through the glass...see Mason's face in agony and I know immediately what happened. As he continues to wail...I run to his side of the car as fast as I can. I was there in 4 seconds...but to him it probably seemed 4 minutes. The door is completely closed...and the 4 fingers of his left hand can't be seen...they're still inside the car door.

I open the door and he pulls his hand free. He wails even more because it 'really' hurts now. I look to see if fingers are still attached. Then I look to see if there is blood. They are attached...there is no blood. But three of the fingers are indented 1/4 inch where they were trapped in the door. They are bruised and swelling.

It has now been no more than 10 seconds since the first wail. By the time I have Mason's hands free...Shawn has come running from the house to the garage. He later told me his thoughts were...when he heard the scream...which one of the kids just had their fingers caught in the car door?

We get Mason inside...make an ice bag and get it on his hand. With lots of hugging and loving and holding and icing down...Mason finally settles down...the indentations are not as deep...and I convince him to try to move them. Soon he's a little occasional sob...but able to move the fingers a little more.

Finally...I know they're not broken and he's gonna make it. A few more grey hairs sprout in my head...but I'm gonna make it too.

Today...he's better...well...he was...until I got him after take him to the doctor's get his flu shot.

I'm not sure which he thought was worse...fingers caught in the door...or flu shot in the arm.

I'm guessing Mason won't want me to pick him up at school tomorrow!

Poor kid.

Poor papaw.


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